- Welcome IP visitor
You have reached Berkant Ustaoğlu's web page. I invite your emails with comments, suggestions, questions and requests. My email is combination of my user name and domain given bellow. If necessary I can provide you with usual mail contact.
- Contact information
- Electronic Mail
- domains cryptolounge.net or uwaterloo.ca with user name bustaoglu
- Personal information
- Nationality
- Turkish
- Education
- PhD (July 2008), University of Waterloo,
Department of Combinatorics & Optimization,
Supervisors Alfred Menezes and Scott Alexander Vanstone (1947-2014) - Thesis
- Key establishment - security models, protocols and usage
- Research interests
- Cryptography
- Key establishment protocols
- Design and analysis of cryptographic protocols
- Hyperelliptic and elliptic curve cryptography
- Privacy enhancing technologies
- My web presence